Bas Eickhout speecht op het GroenLinks-PvdA congres in 2024

GroenLinks-PvdA and the European Elections of 2024

European Elections are coming up on June 6th. GroenLinks-PvdA wants a fair, green and hopeful future for the European Union. Read up on our key plans and candidates here in English.

Our program

2024 is a crucial year for Europe. Do we choose to take on the challenges of massive inequality, climate crisis and the growing threat to democracy together? Or do we give in to the populists and radical-right parties that want to divide us? Our choice is clear: our program is named Sterker met elkaar or ‘stronger together’. In the coming five years, here’s what will fight for in the European Parliament.

  • A Green and Social Deal. Strong climate action is necessary to reduce emissions, to transform our economy and to protect communities and ecosystems against climate change. But working people cannot be the ones to pay for it. Our response to the climate crisis should make Europe more equal, not less.
  • Democracy and Rule of Law. Radical-right parties have gained ground all over Europe, and we’re already seeing the effects. Institutions are under attack, and the rights of women, LGBTIQA+ communities, people of color and migrants are under growing threat. It’s more important than ever to stand up for a free and equal Europe.
  • International Security. A peaceful Europe is no longer guaranteed in the world of Trump, Xi Jinping and Putin who is already waging war on our continent. Some leaders in Europe, and in the Netherlands, are pushing the same anti-democratic agenda. GroenLinks-PvdA wants to stand up to this threat with full support to Ukraine, and a stronger, more efficient and more united EU.

Our candidates

Leading the GroenLinks-PvdA list for the European Elections is Bas Eickhout, who is also spitzenkandidat for Greens/EFA. Originally a climate scientist, Eickhout has helped shape European climate policy since he was first elected fifteen years ago. Second on the list is Mohammed Chahim, current vice-president of the S&D Group. Together, Eickhout en Chahim have been influential in passing the Green Deal after 2019. Marit Maij, Kim van Sparrentak and Tineke Strik complete the top five on our list. Want to get to know the other candidates? Check out the GroenLinks-PvdA list for yourself.

One team, two European parties

In the last few years, GroenLinks and Partij van de Arbeid have worked closely together. We ran as one party in last year’s Parliamentary Elections. In the European Parliament, GroenLinks is a member of Greens/EFA and Partij van de Arbeid is part of the S&D Group. That’s an opportunity for GroenLinks-PvdA to turn more of our plans into actual policy. After June 6th, all of our MEP’s will represent GroenLinks-PvdA and they will be working from the same program. But they will be spread accross Greens/EFA and S&D. This allows us to find support among not one, but two parties. And ultimately, this is our chance to lay the groundwork for a new green and red movement throughout European politics.

Plan your vote

As important as Europe is to our future, voter turnout has been low for European elections. This time, that has to change. The radical-right is rising accross the European Union, the climate crisis needs strong political action and Europe needs to stand together, now that there’s a war raging close to our borders.

We need your help to get people to vote on June 6th. Plan your vote so you don’t miss the opportunity. And spread the word through Whatsapp or social media. You can convince your friends and family better than anyone else.